Letterblocksd: Playing with movie data using toddler-level coding

This is a best(ish) effort project by a rank amateur without any code review.

The data presented should not be used to settle wagers where the stakes exceed $80 and/or brief nudity.

This site gives you an overview of pre-selected Letterboxd lists that show the highs and lows of the movies included with a breakdown of all the cast and crewthat are in those movies. These lists could track movies covered on a podcast, awarded the Best Picture Oscar, programmed in Noir City, produced by the Shaw Brothers… or whatever a Letterboxd user decides to collect in a list.

Unlike Letterboxd, LetterBLOCKSd is significantly less useful while being much dorkier. It does have a couple unique views if you're interested in any of the included lists.

LetterBLOCKs pages are made by scraping the credited Letterboxd lists to gather the Name, Year, Average Rating, Watch Count, and Fan Count of each movie, and then using the TMDB API to get the poster link, the genres, the language, and all the information around the cast and crew.

Once that's all done, the data's mashed around a little bit with python, and then static pages are spit out. The html is in a hip, retro style which is meant to simulate the pastiche of a site made by someone who hasn’t used html since the early aughts.

Pages will be updated intermittently. Probably. We'll see.

If you dig it, feel free to drop me a note at the below email address, follow me on Letterboxd, or buy me a Rainier through the Tips link (it’s just a movie stat site, no need to go top shelf).
